The ICPA endorses Prelude Accounts

ICPA_AccreditedTime is Money

It’s an old adage but one that is more relevant today than ever.

In an internet era and with the ubiquitous app becoming even more prevalent we believe that everything should be instantaneous.

We believe that we should have all the facts at our disposal instantly to enable us to make an informed decision as soon as possible and once we have made up our mind we expect to convey our decision and receive acknowledgement immediately with the goods etc. following swiftly behind.

Bookkeeping has been at the forefront of these changes ever since the inception of the quill pen. From the early “Twinlock” record systems through the “Simplex” cash books to the floppy-disc-based accounting packages to the early personal computer packages and now to the cloud.

The use of the cloud for accounting has brought an immediacy to bookkeeping like never before. No longer are you tied to your desk, you can access your books whenever and frankly wherever you want as long as you have an internet connection.

So now the modern business can maintain records speedily and efficiently and just as importantlycan allow access to his Accountant to help him whenever there is a problem.

But why is immediacy so important? Well, for VAT you have to return your figures quarterly and your bank borrowings will be significantly easier to keep if you can produce accurate half-yearly accounts.

Annually of course, you will require figures to establish your corporate profit or self-employed profit for tax purposes.

This year we will have a new pressure on our record keeping processes, namely the Universal Credit.

To receive your entitlement, self-employed claimants will have to supply profit values in support of their claim for benefit on a monthly basis.

That’s monthly: not quarterly or annually, but monthly.

With Prelude Accounts, even a novice can keep track of his or her business income and expenses sufficiently well to be able to supply profit figures on a monthly basis.

Larger businesses have the full functionality of a quality bookkeeping package with all the benefits a cloud-based solution brings.

Prelude Accounts provides great value for money, helping you keep your books up to date and making the most of your available time.

This is why The ICPA fully endorses Prelude Accounts and recommends it to all its members.