How to use a computer: What is an Operating System?

How to use a computer: What is an Operating System?
We have recently blogged about the efficiency and ease-of-use in managing your accounts online, using programs such Prelude Accounts, but it is easy to forget that many people are still not entirely comfortable either with using computers or with computer terminology. In the first of a series of articles, I will explain some of the ...

February 9, 2014

How to use a computer: What is a Web Browser?

How to use a computer: What is a Web Browser?
This is the second in a series of articles in which we explain some of the most common and fundamental terms used in modern computing. We hope these articles will help people who are new to computing or who are still not entirely comfortable either with using computers or with computer terminology.In particular, we hope ...

February 9, 2014

What does the tax return filing deadline mean for me?

What does the tax return filing deadline mean for me?
If you run a business or are a sole trader in the UK, the end of January always runs the risk of being a stressful time. 31st January is the self-assessment deadline for tax returns for the previous financial year, which often triggers a panic among those who are trying to get their financial affairs ...

January 28, 2014

How do I go about changing my accounting software?

How do I go about changing my accounting software?
You have made the decision. You want to change the accounting software for your business as your current package is no longer meeting your needs. But how do you go about it and what do you need to bear in mind? In this article we will explain 8 top tips that can help you. 1. ...

January 23, 2014

Should I register for VAT?

Should I register for VAT?
This is a question that is often asked by small business owners and people wanting to start their own business. Depending on your circumstances, VAT registration could be mandatory or you could decide to register voluntarily or not at all. In this article we will cover the main issues to help you decide. What is ...

January 16, 2014

Should I change my accounting software?

Should I change my accounting software?
It would be easy to say that there is no need for you to change your accounting software if you feel that it satisfactorily manages your business accounts. You had a need, you bought a solution, and that solution is fulfilling that need. However, it would be complacent to think that your accounts are being ...

January 9, 2014

The ICPA endorses Prelude Accounts

The ICPA endorses Prelude Accounts
Time is Money It’s an old adage but one that is more relevant today than ever. In an internet era and with the ubiquitous app becoming even more prevalent we believe that everything should be instantaneous. We believe that we should have all the facts at our disposal instantly to enable us to make an ...

December 10, 2013

Why you need to get your accounts right (and how you can get your accounts wrong)

Why you need to get your accounts right (and how you can get your accounts wrong)
Your accounts are the heart monitor of your business; if there is no heartbeat (or no profit being made), the patient (or the business) could suffer and die. They represent the financial health of your business and you will use them to judge your business performance and to help you make key decisions like whether ...

November 16, 2013

Do I need an Accountant?

Do I need an Accountant?
It is easy to think you can do without a professional service if you have a degree of competency in the skill which they provide. After all, why pay for a plumber when you could do it yourself after a trip to a hardware store? But there is a reason why the professions are still ...

October 25, 2013

The benefits of managing your accounts online

The benefits of managing your accounts online
Over the last 50 years, we have seen radical changes in the way we record and maintain our accounts and books. The ‘evolutionary stages’ have included traditional hard copies, recorded data tapes, floppy discs, hard drives, CDs, DVDs and USB sticks. We’re now about to enter yet another era of data management, which is bound ...

October 10, 2013